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Craig D. Robins, Esq. New York Bankruptcy Attorney, Longisland bankruptcy attorney

“ Craig D. Robins, Esq., has been a practicing Long Island bankruptcy attorney for over twenty-four years ”

Craig D. Robins, Esq.

Bankruptcy Humour

The Snowman Ate My Credit Cards

Posted on Thursday (January 27, 2011) at 5:00 pm to Bankruptcy Humour


The snowman ate my credit cards

The snowman ate my credit cards

Written By Craig D. Robins, Esq.

Besieged by a foot and a half of snow that ended early this morning, and unable to leave my driveway to go to work, I awaited the plow by building a snowman with my wife and son.
Alas, the snowman ate my credit cards.
Kudos to my associate, Jason S. Leibowitz, who made it in to the Central Islip Bankruptcy Court this morning for five confirmation hearings before Judge Alan Trust, who rescheduled his calendar to begin an hour later because of the snow.
So what does a snowbound bankruptcy attorney who likes to take pictures do?  Here’s your answer — more fine art credit card snow photography:





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Judge Alan S. Trust Wins Bankruptcy Song Contest; My Wife Gets Second Place

Posted on Saturday (March 13, 2010) at 11:30 pm to Bankruptcy Humour
Central Islip Bankruptcy Court & Judges
Current Events

Central Islip Bankruptcy Court Judge Alan S. TrustWritten by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
Can a Judge Who Writes Sophisticated Bankruptcy Decisions, Pen Witty Song Lyrics? 
You Betcha !!!
The Bankruptcy Bill Song Contest has announced its winner.  First place goes to our very own Long Island Bankruptcy Court Judge Alan S. Trust.
Judge Trust’s Song Recalls His Days in Texas
The Judge’s entry, “Debts in Wrong Places,” is a humorous take-off of Garth Brooks’ country music hit song, “Friends in Low Places” — certainly a popular song in Texas, where Judge Trust practiced before ascending to the bench here in the Eastern District of New York.
Steven Horowitz and Gideon Kendall, creators of the Bankruptcy Bill cartoon strip, sponsored the contest and came up with a great new cartoon featuring the comic likeness of Judge Trust that you absolutely must see!!!  Click this link to see this new comic strip:  Bankruptcy Bill Song Contest Cartoon.
My Wife Had to Enter the Contest, too
When I had told my wife, Arlene, of the contest last fall, she said she had to enter — just to poke fun at me.  Her song, “A Bankruptcy Wife’s Lament,” is about a bankruptcy attorney who is so busy that he ignores his wife and family (me???).
Her song won second place!  It is a hilarious take-off on “Sunrise Sunset” from Fiddler on the Roof.
My song, “Debt Free Girl,” a take-off on Billy Joel’s hit, “Uptown Girl,”didn’t win a prize, but I still think it’s great fun in any event.
I created the photo illustration from a photo I took of Judge Trust several weeks ago at a bankruptcy seminar.
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Bankruptcy Song: “Debt-Free Girl”

Posted on Wednesday (December 16, 2009) at 12:15 pm to Bankruptcy Humour
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
In The News
Lawyer to Lawyer

Long Island bankruptcy attorney Craig D. Robins enters Bankruptcy Song Contest wtih Written by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
Yours Truly Enters the National Bankruptcy Song Contest
Well the deadline for the Bankruptcy Bill Bankruptcy Song Contest has arrived and nine songs are competing for awards and recognition — including my song, “Debt-Free Girl,” and two other surprises.
The first surprise is that my wife, Arlene, submitted a song.  Since she is especially witty (she writes song parodies for my birthday almost every year, and also for lots of her friends), I challenged her to submit something.  So she surprised me by submitting “Bankruptcy Wife’s Lament” which is about a bankruptcy attorney who neglects his wife and son because he is so busy.  That apparently is me.
The second surprise is that our very own Central Islip Bankruptcy Court Judge, Alan S. Trust, also submitted an entry, “Debts in Wrong Places.”  Hailing from Texas for the past 24 years, it was no wonder that Judge Trust submitted a country music song based on Garth Brook’s “Friends in Low Places.”  His song pokes fun at the ridiculous aspects of the bankruptcy means test.
There are other songs from other bankruptcy attorneys and a bankruptcy judge in California, Sheri Bluebond.
My song, “Debt-Free Girl” is based on Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl” and is about a girl who becomes debt-free through bankruptcy, thanks to her bankruptcy man.
A Shameless Request for Votes – Please Vote for My Bankruptcy Song
The winner of the bankruptcy song is the one with the most votes.  To vote, you must send an e-mail to Bill@BankruptcyBill.us.  You can include your choice for first, second and third place.


(To the tune of Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl“)

Oh wo oh oh oh oh oh oh. . . . .
Debt-free girl
She’s now living in a whole new world
No more bills or late-night collection calls
It is because – she finally got the balls

To become – a real debt-free girl
No more living in a creditor world
As long as anyone with bad debts can
Make an appointment with the bankruptcy man
That’s what I am

And when she learns that
She won’t have to pay
And then she can wake up
Stress free – there’s a stay

She’ll see it’s not so tough
Just because
I’ve made her into a debt-free girl
Filed her petition; no more creditor world
She got tired of the collection calls
Perhaps she overspent at stores and malls
She’s got a choice

Oh wo oh oh oh oh oh oh. . . . .
Debt-free girl
She filed a seven; now it’s her turn
She kept her assets – they were all exempt
Trustee overlooked the money she spent
It’s what she dreamt

She passed the means test
It’s really no big deal
Her lawyer knew best
Assisted with credit counseling

It’s really not so tough
To discharge
Lots of bills
Of a debt-filled girl
She’s been living in a bill-collecting world
As long as anyone with big debt can
And now she’s looking for a bankruptcy man
That’s what I am
[Oh wo oh oh oh oh oh oh. . . . .]

Debt-free girl
She’s my debt-free girl
You know I love to see
A real debt-free girl

My debt-free girl
Did you know I love to see
A real debt-free girl

My debt-free girl
Did you know I love to see
A real debt-free girl




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Bankruptcy Song: “A Bankruptcy Wife’s Lament”

Posted on Wednesday (December 16, 2009) at 12:00 pm to Bankruptcy Humour
Current Events
Lawyer to Lawyer

Craig D. Robins' wife wrote a bankruptcy song about the laments of being the wife of a busy bankruptcy attorneyWritten by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
I am quite proud to post the song my wife, Arlene Gross Robins, wrote for the Bankruptcy Bill song contest.
Arlene, a full-time newspaper reporter, is especially witty and regularly writes song parodies and satire for her family and friends.
Her song is one of nine in the song competition which also includes songs by my Long Island Bankruptcy Judge Alan S. Trust (Debts in Wrong Places), which pokes fun at the bankruptcy means test, and by me (Debt-Free Girl) about a debt-free girl whose bankruptcy man has eliminated her debts.
Click on this link to see the original version of Sunrise Sunset on Youtube.


(To the tune of “Sunrise, Sunset” from “Fiddler on the Roof”)

Once I had a hubby who’d come home nights
We’d have our dinner; share a song
Life was so happy – filled with de-lights
What went wrong?

Chapter seven
Chapter thirteen
Filing is his life
Rescuing clients from their huge debts
At the expense of his son and wife

When the BAPCPA laws were changed in ‘05
I thought we’d have a nice reprieve
Debtors would no longer discharge their debts
Or so, I did believe

Chapter seven
Chapter thirteen
Filing is his life
Rescuing clients from their huge debts
At the expense of his son and wife

But now there were hurdles one must jump through
Credit counseling and a means test: de rigeur
Lawyers learned laws like they were brand new
And, thus, charged more

Chapter seven
Chapter thirteen
Filing is his life
Rescuing clients from their huge debts
At the expense of his son and wife

For a few years our son got to know his poppa
Then the economy went bad
Now dad works 24/7, non-stopp-a
And we’re so sad

Chapter seven
Chapter thirteen
Filing is his life
Rescuing clients from their huge debts
At the expense of his son and wife

As the recession slowly recedes
We’re hoping our attorney will come home
If not there’s divorce settlement proceeds
Either way, I’m raising our son alone

Chapter seven
Chapter thirteen
Filing is his life
Rescuing clients from their huge debt
At the expense of his son and wife



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Bankruptcy Song by Judge Alan S. Trust: “Debts in Wrong Places”

Posted on Wednesday (December 16, 2009) at 11:45 am to Bankruptcy Humour
Central Islip Bankruptcy Court & Judges
Current Events
Lawyer to Lawyer

Long Island Bankruptcy Court Judge Alan S. Trust enters bankruptcy song contestWritten by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
Our very own bankruptcy judge from Long Island, Alan S. Trust, sitting in the Central Islip Bankruptcy Courthouse in the Eastern District of New York, has entered the Bankruptcy Bill Song Contest
His song is one of nine in the song competition which also includes songs by my wife, Arlene, about being neglected by a hard-working bankruptcy attorney (A Bankruptcy Wife’s Lament), and by me (Debt-Free Girl) about a debt-free girl whose bankruptcy man has eliminated her debts.
Judge Trust, who usually tries to inflect his courtroom proceedings with subtle humour, poked great fun at the means test.  
To get the tune in your head, click on this link to see a version of Friends in Low Places on Youtube.


(To the tune of “Friends in Low Places,” with apologies to Garth Brooks)

To see the actual lyrics, please visit the Bankruptcy Bill site by clicking this link:   “Debts in Wrong Places



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Super Ninja Bankruptcy Attorneys

Posted on Monday (November 16, 2009) at 9:00 am to Bankruptcy Humour
Photographs of Max

Super Ninja Bankruptcy Attorneys -- Max Robins and Sam GelbergWritten by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
What happens when you take two spirited six-year-old boys who love to use their imagination and pretend to be Power Rangers, and it also happens that both of their fathers are bankruptcy attorneys?
Why, you get Super Ninja Bankruptcy Attorneys!  
My son went through a faze where he couldn’t get enough of the “Power Rangers” television program.  He would often pretend to be a Power Ranger, which is a seemingly ordinary individual who morphs into a powerful, costumed superhero.
Add to the mix visiting Daddy’s bankruptcy law office, seeing Daddy come home “costumed” in his suit and toting his briefcase, and hearing Daddy talk a lot about this thing called, “bankruptcy.”
So about three years ago, my son, Max, while playing with his best friend, Sam, came up with the idea that they were Super Ninja Bankruptcy Attorneys.  Sam is the son of former Brooklyn Chapter 13 trustee Stuart Gelberg, who now is a Long Island bankruptcy attorney, like me.
I was never able to get Max or Sam to reveal exactly what the Super Ninja Bankruptcy Attorney does, as they explained to me that this was “top secret.”  However, I see them constantly trying to save the world. Or at least that’s what it looks like from where I sit.
The boys, now nine, are still hard at work, playing Super Ninja Bankruptcy Attorney.
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It’s Time for Bankruptcy Songs

Posted on Sunday (November 15, 2009) at 11:45 pm to Bankruptcy Humour

Bankruptcy Song Contest
 Written by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
My friend, Steven Horowitz, the originator of the Bankruptcy Bill and BAPCPA Man bankruptcy comic strips, recently announced a bankruptcy song contest.
Although practicing bankruptcy is usually serious business, it’s still fun to make light of its humorous aspects.
I’m considering entering the song contest.  In the meantime, I will post some already-written bankruptcy songs. 
Here is one by Michael Silverstein, who was previously a senior editor with Bloomberg Financial News.  He wrote this to make light of how consumers were hurrying to file their bankruptcy petitions before the law changed in 2005.

The Bankruptcy Song
(To be sung to the tune of
“My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean”)

To bankruptcy court I am fleeing,
This cop out is calling to me,
I’ve spoken to Irv my accountant,
He says it’s my best strategy.
  Bankrupt, bankrupt,
There’s creditors at my front door,
My door;
Need a,
Court date,
Before Congress changes the law.
The stock market took down my savings,
It’s years since I got my last raise,
My bills keep on growing like fungus,
There’s just one way out of this maze.
Bankrupt, bankrupt,
There’s creditors at my front door,
My door;
Need a,
Court date,
Before Congress changes the law.
I’m woefully overextended,
When the phone rings I shake and I twitch,
The gap twixt my debts and my assets,
Makes the Grand Canyon look like a ditch.
Bankrupt, bankrupt,
There’s creditors at my front door,
My door;
Need a,
Court date,
Before Congress changes the law.
To see more of Michael’s funny songs and poetry, which emphasize satirical verse about financial themes, check out his website:  http://www.wallstreetpoet.com.
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Bankruptcy Cartoon Strip BAPCPA Man — Bankruptcy & Halloween

Posted on Saturday (October 31, 2009) at 12:15 am to Bankruptcy Humour

.Bankruptcy can be scarry -- the bankruptcy amendment act was very poorly written.
BAPCPA Man Pokes Fun at the Poorly-Written Bankruptcy Amendments!
Written by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
I am pleased to post antoher cartoon strip of BAPCPA MAN, the new comic strip from New York bankruptcy attorney Steven Horowitz and and artist Gideon Kendall.   Here is strip number 13.   BAPCPA MAN is designed to entertain both consumers and bankruptcy attorneys. 
Steve and Gideon originally came up with the well-received Bankruptcy Bill cartoon strips, about a hapless New York City bankruptcy attorney associate at a large bankruptcy firm.
“BAPCPA”, an acronym universally known to all bankruptcy attorneys, stands for The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act.  This is the new bankruptcy law that went into effect in 2005.
The strips seek to educate consumers, humor attorneys, and will also try to poke fun at some of the more ridiculous requirements of the new bankruptcy law.  Please check out the Bankruptcy Bill and BAPCPA Man Website which now has references and links to other bankruptcy blogs around the country.
The strip is posted with permission from Bankruptcy Bill.
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Bankruptcy Cartoon Strip BAPCPA Man — #7

Posted on Monday (October 26, 2009) at 9:49 pm to Bankruptcy Humour

.BAPCPA Man #7 appears on the Long Island bankruptcy blog
BAPCPA Man Illustrates the Powers of Bankruptcy Against Evil Mortgage Companies!
Written by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
I am pleased to post the seventh cartoon strip of BAPCPA MAN, the new comic strip from New York bankruptcy attorney Steven Horowitz and and artist Gideon Kendall.   Here is strip number seven.   BAPCPA MAN is designed to entertain both consumers and bankruptcy attorneys. 
Steve and Gideon originally came up with the well-received Bankruptcy Bill cartoon strips, about a hapless New York City bankruptcy attorney associate at a large bankruptcy firm.
“BAPCPA”, an acronym universally known to all bankruptcy attorneys, stands for The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act.  This is the new bankruptcy law that went into effect in 2005.
The strips seek to educate consumers, humor attorneys, and will also try to poke fun at some of the more ridiculous requirements of the new bankruptcy law.  Please check out the Bankruptcy Bill and BAPCPA Man Website which now has references and links to other bankruptcy blogs around the country.
The strip is posted with permission from Bankruptcy Bill.
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Bankruptcy Cartoon Strip BAPCPA Man — #6

Posted on Wednesday (October 14, 2009) at 12:15 am to Bankruptcy Humour

BAPCPA Man on the Long Island Bankruptcy Blog.
BAPCPA Man Shows that Bankruptcy Can Be Humorous!
Written by Craig D. Robins, Esq.
I am pleased to post the sixth cartoon strip of BAPCPA MAN, the new comic strip from New York bankruptcy attorney Steven Horowitz and and artist Gideon Kendall.   Here is strip number six.   BAPCPA MAN is designed to entertain both consumers and bankruptcy attorneys. 
Steve and Gideon originally came up with the well-received Bankruptcy Bill cartoon strips, about a hapless New York City bankruptcy attorney associate at a large bankruptcy firm.
“BAPCPA”, an acronym universally known to all bankruptcy attorneys, stands for The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act.  This is the new bankruptcy law that went into effect in 2005.
The strips seek to educate consumers, humor attorneys, and will also try to poke fun at some of the more ridiculous requirements of the new bankruptcy law.  Please check out the Bankruptcy Bill and BAPCPA Man Website which now has references and links to other bankruptcy blogs around the country.
The strip is posted with permission from Bankruptcy Bill.
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Craig D. Robins, Esq. is a Long Island bankruptcy lawyer, who is focused primarily on helping individuals and families, find solutions to their debt problems. Read more »


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Craig D. Robins, Esq.
35 Pinelawn Road, Suite 218E, Melville, NY 11747.

Tel : 516 - 496 - 0800
